21 BEST Ways to Win in 2021

COVID-19 Industry News Opinion

21 BEST Ways to Win in 2021

2020 came in like a giant, swelling wave and took everyone by surprise. Feelings of defeat, despair, and fear were rampant. Most dental practices were forced to close, leading to unforeseen revenue loss and a need to pivot business strategies. Many of you were drowning and barely able to come up for air. Where is the life vest? No one wears a life vest expecting to drown, but rather to serve as a “just-in-case” option. As 2021 approaches, be prepared with your life vest so that the prospect of a new year is not scary but rather a chance to WIN! Put 2020 behind you and confidently move on to Twenty-Twenty-WON with BEST for Dentistry’s tips on 21 ways to win!

1 – Commitment

Set a goal and commit to it. In fact, write it down and refer to it often to keep up your motivation.

2 – Knowledge

Continually strive to expand your knowledge and continue to learn. Even the smartest individuals can use knowledge refreshers.

3 – Think Outside the Box

Don’t be afraid to expand beyond your comfort zone. Now is the time to get creative and start thinking of your business from another perspective.

4 – Invest in Your Team

Your team is your most valuable asset. Offering your employees a benefits package, such as health insurance or a 401k plan, increases loyalty and creates a desirable opportunity, whether recruiting new employees or rewarding an already established staff.

5 – Trust Your Instincts

Trust in yourself and follow what feels right. You are not your neighbor – you are you. Do what is best for your unique situation. Trust in your journey towards your goal.

6 – Express Yourself

Show who you are and what makes you and your practice stand out. Let your patients and prospective patients know what makes you unique.

7 – Get Organized

Organization is a key factor in high productivity. Identify the areas that need attention and begin making small steps towards an organized practice.

8 – Plan Ahead

If 2020 has taught us anything, it’s that the unexpected happens! Be prepared for anything with careful planning and goal-making.

9 – Build a Network

No one can or should do it alone. Build long-term relationships that help you grow professionally.

10 – Get Social

Get social and express who you are on social media. Use a social platform to highlight what you and your practice have to offer.

11 – Protect Yourself

Knowing the ins and outs of Human Resources or OSHA Compliance is not an easy task. Get in touch with the professionals who can help you protect yourself, your staff, your patients, and your business.

12 – Evolve

Don’t get stuck in a rut with old habits. Change can be good!

13 – Balance

Everyone needs balance in their life. Find ways to maintain a balance between work and living. As we like to say – Start Living Your BEST Life!

14 – Stay Healthy

A healthy mind and body are essential for a productive team. What does healthcare look like for yourself and them? Having access to health insurance is a step in the right direction in maintaining a healthy team.

15 – Think Big

Growth, big or small, is essential to business. Whether that means adding associates, opening other locations, expanding into Sleep Dentistry or other areas of practice, never let a growth mindset pass you by.

16 – Stay Humble

Humility can make you a better leader that will ultimately lead to an effective team which performs at their best.

17 – Don’t Be Afraid to Fail

Although failure doesn’t feel good, the silver lining is that failing is where growth and change can happen. See that silver lining and make something great of it!

18 – Passion for Succeeding

Never lose your passion for succeeding. Sometimes the feelings of defeat can take over and derail motivations. Keep your eye on the prize!

19 – Recruit

Recruiting the right people in the right roles is invaluable to your business. Build the staff you WANT.

20 – Love Your Job

As the old tale goes, “choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.” Find all the things that make you love your job and keep doing them!

21 – Be Positive

Positivity goes a long way in maintaining and achieving motivation. To achieve the previous 20 tips, being positive is the driving force behind them all.

With all preparations in place, there’s hope that sailing into 2021 will be much easier than staying afloat in 2020. Take these 21 tips, apply them where they are needed the most, and begin the year strong. At BEST for Dentistry, we are your trusted advocate who can align you with the partnerships and benefits that are right for you. From partnerships in Human Resources to Employee Benefits to Supply Savings and much more, BEST will always advocate on your behalf, freeing you up to start living your BEST life!

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