Many things can hold you back. Most doctors are looking for the one thing that can turn their practices around. Like Tom Cruise and Jack Nicholson in A Few Good Men, most of these same doctors, can't handle the truth. The person who asks but doesn't really want the true answer will never get better. They want to put the blame on a lack of growth or new patients on not having good enough marketing. The time has passed when you just open your doctor and practice and do well. Most of us need to reengage and spend more time ...
Got a call the other day from a doctor who was perturbed by the fact that their office has had 5 employees quit in the last couple of months. There was one that was moving, but all five of the employees who quit went to other offices that paid them more. According to the doctor, they all left for more money. This doctor was a client back three or four years ago and was very precise in explaining the situation. It began by the doctor explaining that they had their compensation overhead at 25% and thought that all of the ...
In football, as the clock expires at the end of the third quarter, teams and fans alike hold up four fingers to signify the beginning of the most important 15 minutes of the game. These four fingers signify that the fourth quarter belongs to their team. The tradition is emphasizing a commitment to finishing the game strong. The problem is that this has become just another sports cliché for football teams, and less of a mission statement and commitment to winning the contest. Like it or not, we find ourselves at the end of the third quarter with a tough ...
What is a realistic expectation for the profitability of your practice? What numbers should you be looking at on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis? What can you expect for retirement? Watch and learn as Dr. Mike Abernathy and Max Gotcher answer these questions and share their expertise to help you Produce More, Collect All, and Keep Half.